ACPJ is frequently open Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm

202 Harvard Drive SE, Albuquerque NM 87106

Please call ahead to confirm that a volunteer is at the front desk:

(505) 268-9557

To communicate with us:

To schedule an event or book the Peace Hall:

To communicate with the treasurer:

You are invited to monthly Coordinating Council meetings at the Peace Center. Next Meeting is Thursday, March 20, 6-8pm. A Zoom link will also be posted here the day of.

A plea for folks to work the Front Desk - interested volunteers should call the Peace Center at 505-268-9557 and leave a message for Nancy Harmon, who is our Volunteer Coordinator.

     We also need a new white dry erase board (or two) pretty badly. The one we have has a worn out surface now, and doesn't clean well. It's a Quartet 4'x6’ board, which is the ideal size. Other items on our wish list can be found at the bottom of the "Donate" page on this website.

A .pdf file of the agenda for this Membership Meeting can be found in the "CC Documents" subpage of this website, and also HERE.

Connect with us!

Coordinating Council -

Bob Anderson (Chair)

Peter Neils (Vice-Chair)

Alicia Rodriguez (Secretary)

Jeanne Pahls (Treasurer)

Luna Olavarria Gallegos

Che Olavarria Gallegos

Barbara Tiwald